Anna Hueston

Anna Hueston is a resident of Littleton where she has been volunteering on the Massachusetts Paid Family and Medical Leave campaign for eight months. Prior to moving from Denver in 2016, Anna spent several years working directly for Colorado legislators on policy issues for children, families, and people with disabilities.  Her policy work was inspired by the families at the early childhood center she founded in 2005, which still continues to serve over one hundred families each year.  As the owner and operator of this $1.4M per year business, Anna met payroll for 25 employees, handling the financial and personnel functions of the business, while navigating state child care regulations and all employment laws.

Anna also has fifteen years experience in corporate strategy and marketing with both large corporate and small start-up organizations.  She holds two master degrees; an MBA from Columbia University and an MA in Education from the University of Denver.  Anna is also involved in the local community as the Secretary for the Rotary Club of Littleton and as an appointed member of the Littleton Master Plan Implementation Committee.